А что тогда значит вот эта страница про МДП
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Это совсем не разговор . Нужен техническое размышление с техобразованием а не голословие. Или отталкиваться от документации.
Вы хотите, золотую пулю, но абсолютно не владеете сутью предмета.
Не надо мне тыкать доками от ss. чтобы говорить о коррекции, надо понимать в чем ее суть.
Я сразу резюмирую, т.к. ниже много текста.
сброс Мдп не решит причину дымности, я перечислил выше возможные причины.
вот скрин общего чеклиста дельфей, как видите в случае дымности про адаптацию ни слова
А вот из форсуночного.
сброс мдп возможен только при перепрограммировании кодов. это особенность блока управления от дельфи.
у Вас, движок после ремонта, форсы после вмешательства нарукожопить могли везде.
Выше указанный тезис, вы способны проверить сами. ds150, я так понял у вас есть.
скришотите коды форс, и обнуляете их (перепрописываете пустыми).
Касательно документа.
Там все верно написано.
Но работа форсунки это не только предврыск.
И коррекция, это не только МДП. Совсем не mdp.
Корреция это сам код,сам код это уже коррекция таргета (эталонной форсунки), к нему считается дельта.
However,because of slight variations in machining, pressure-drops,
mechanical friction between moving partsand the magnetic force may vary from one injector toanother.
Because of this, flow deviations of up to 5mg/stroke can occur.
This means that if the samepulse is applied to two injectors, we can get adifference of 5 mg/stroke.
It is impossible to effectively control an engine withsuch differences between the injectors.
It is thereforenecessary to apply a correction which will make itpossible to inject the required amount of fuelwhatever the initial characteristic of the injector.
Todo this, it is necessary to know this characteristic andto correct the pulse applied to the injector accordingto the difference between this characteristic and theone used in the DC
The characteristic recorded in the DCU is called the target.
It corresponds to the mean characteristic ofthe flows measured in a representative batch of injectors.
This target is used to convert the flowdemand Q into a pulse T.
But this pulse cannot beapplied directly to the injector because the latter’s characteristics are different from those of the target.
It is therefore necessary to correct pulse T with theaid of the individual characteristic of the injector. This characteristic is determined by measuring the flowsfor different pressure values.
Если 1 форса вышла за пределы коррекции, идем корректировать соседнюю...
если не вышло, то корректируем следующую пару... если не помогло - тогда ой... ошибка баланса, и ошибка и последней паре не сбалансированных форсунок.
Accelerometer strategy
a)Resetting the pilot injection
The accelerometer is used to reset the pilot injection flow in closed loop for each injector.
This method is self-adaptive and therefore allowsthe correction of any injector deviations over aperiod of time.
The principle of use of the accelerometer is based on the detection of the combustion noises.
The sensor is positioned in such a way as to receivethe maximum signal for all the cylinders.
The raw signals from the accelerometer areprocessed to obtain a variable which quantifiesthe intensity of the combustion.
This variable,known as the ratio, consists of the ratio betweenthe intensity of the background noise and thecombustion noise.
•A first window is used to establish thebackground noise level of the accelerometer signal for each cylinder.
This window musttherefore be positioned at a moment when therecannot be any combustion.
•The second window is used to measure theintensity of the pilot combustion.
Its position issuch that only the combustion noises producedby the pilot injection are measured. It is the reforeplaced just before the main injection.
The accelerometer does not allow any evaluationof the quantity injected.
However, it does allow the pulse value from which the injector begins toinject to be accurately known. This pulse value is called the MDP (Minimum Drive Pulse).
On thebasis of this information, it is possible to efficiently correct the pilot flows because small flows are very sensitive to variations in the MDP.
The pilot injection resetting principle there foreconsists of determining the MDP, in other wordsthe pulse corresponding to the start of theincrease in value of the ratio. T
his is done periodically under certain operating conditions.
When the resetting is finished, the new minimumpulse value replaces the value obtained duringthe previous resetting. The first MDP value isprovided by the (C2I).
Each resetting then allows the closed loop of the MDP to be update daccording to the deviation of the injector.